[ubuntu-in] (no subject)

Ramnarayan.K ramnarayan.k at gmail.com
Wed May 25 13:06:01 UTC 2011

On Wed, May 25, 2011 at 7:10 AM, Stereotactic <maillist at postinbox.com>wrote:

> I am not sure but really don't know as to why the moderators allow external
> links to blogs to be posted here. To my understanding, this list is for
> support and release announcements. I think, it should be made clear on the
> outset.
> if some one is writing about their experiences with changing to Linux its
worthwhile for me (personally( to read) and i also think it finds a place on
this list. such posts are support in itself as it would help others
understand what issues affect people and their choices and methods.

There is a poll - with (when i voted) 34 votes of which linux only is 47 %
and Linux and Windows dual booting is 41 %. It may not be scientific but it
still allows us to know what people are up to - about 88 % use linux as
opposed to the over hyped apple . However it leads to a deeper question -
why are the people who dual boot using dual boot.

I dual boot any my reasons are
1. M$ isn't returning my money if i uninstall windows
2. Some hardware works only on windows (or i haven't been able to get said
hardware to work on linux)
3. Some "official sites" require windows / ms office / i.e explorer and
emulation seems to not work. (e.g income tax e return filing forms in .xls)

so while the above questions are off topic - its just to indicate that
visiting aforementioned blog got me thinking (yet again) about what reasons
people have for dual booting

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