[ubuntu-in] comparison of kword to other document software and other writer issues

Ramnarayan.K ramnarayan.k at gmail.com
Fri Mar 4 07:19:38 UTC 2011


Was having some trouble yesterday with a small document (.odt),
midway through using it (it had one image and a few spreadsheets
pasted in) Libreoffice locked up and refused to move , it crashed, on
restarting it opened other files except this one. Tried openoffice -
same result, moved the file to Virtualbox and ran it there, wincedows
+ OOO.org 3.2, and it refused to open( more likely too slow and soe
constant reminder that java updates were available)

Thinking it might have been a problem of conflict of interest,  i
therefore,  uninstalled Libreoffice , but the end result was the same.
Something, it seems,  about that file that the writer (software / not
me)  did not like.

The tried abiword which crashed , then finally managed to successfully
open it in kword. Then deleted the slightly large image 1.3 mb, while
the pasted spreadsheets were missing,  saved and restarted it in
openoffice and then finished my work.

My question is why do libre and open office have such a hard time
working with multiple formatting in the writer segment - i had 1
image, 2 tables (pasted from a spreadsheet as unformatted text - which
results in a table and not an image - esp when opened in ms word) and
a normal copy and  paste from the spreadsheet (which results in said
table being viewed as an image in ms word). The document  has columns
, 2 sections , an index, and nothing much else - 5 pages thats it. So
am wondering whats so hard about this - i know that if there are html
and images and tables both open office and libre office tend to get
buggy and not nice as the file gets bigger. Any ideas why ? and are
there any suggestions

When i opened Kword it seems totally unlike a document writer had more
of the DTP feel. So anyone using Kword and what do then think about

I have been working on some publicity material - simple brochures etc.
And i am not yet comfortable with scribus so am using the document
writers for that. However i find the ultimate output in pdf and in
print to be very very sad - poor font rendering, definitely not
wysiwyg. So any ideas about this.

Will talk some other time about the horrific color differences (which
i think are more to do with the computer then the color palettes)


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