[ubuntu-in] USB Mobile Broadband Service

Nitesh Mistry mailbox at mistrynitesh.net
Tue Mar 1 17:08:45 UTC 2011

Simply awesome. Think of wikifying it?

On Tue, Mar 01, 2011 at 08:23:47PM +0530, Ramnarayan.K wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 1, 2011 at 7:21 PM, Kaushal Shriyan
> <kaushalshriyan at gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Hi
> >
> > How do we address the issues of making it work the latest chipset provided by the Service Provider to make it work on Ubuntu Desktops. I mean whenever there is a new USB Mobile Broadband Service chipset available in Market how do we make them work in Ubuntu. Do i need to update my Desktop to the latest release every time ?
> >
> > For example : I use Tata Photon + with EC1260 chipset which works in Ubuntu 10.10 but when i try to use the latest Tata Photon + with EC152 chipset it does not work out of the box.
> >
> > Please suggest/guide further.
> usually the problem with USB devices is that they don't get recognized
> by Ubuntu (linux) and one needs to tll Ubuntu to recognize the device
> and correlate it to a particular port and once that happens the next
> step is for Ubuntu to load the driver (the drivers are usually built
> onto the device) and then it gets to work.
> The process i normally follow for a new device is
> 1. plug in the device and in a command line run dmesg
> -$ dmesg  - c
> if the device is recognized it will usually have an output (last few
> lines) some like gsm device recognised and attached to ttyusb0 or
> ttyusb1 etc
> if this happens your device should work
> if it does not then one has to find out the device product  id and vendor id
> for this
> run (in a terminal)
> lsusb
> see if you can identify the device -
> some like
> Bus 004 Device 004: ID 19d2:fffe ONDA Communication S.p.A.
> **
> if you can identify the device then just get that data but running
> lsusb -v - s "bus number"
> leave out the " " when typing the bus number (some thing like 001 or 004 etc)
> **
> if not then run lsusb -v  which will give the details of all usb devices
> then browse through the entire list and find what is relevant to your data card.
> mine looks something like this
> Bus 004 Device 004: ID 19d2:fffe ONDA Communication S.p.A.
> Device Descriptor:
> > snipped
>   idVendor           0x19d2 ONDA Communication S.p.A.
>   idProduct          0xfffe
>   bcdDevice            0.00
>   iManufacturer           1 ZTE, Incorporated
>   iProduct                2 ZTE CDMA Tech
>   iSerial                 0
> here the vendor and product id is given note this detail down
> **
> If the device is not recognized at all then some of the technical
> heavies will need to weigh in.
> **
> However if you can get the vendor and product id the next stage is to
> install wvdial
> sudo apt-get install wvdial
> If no internet works on your machine - then you can ask some one to
> download then and provide you the necessary file (like via apton or
> something)
> **
> The next few steps are to try and load the driver (make sure the
> device is plugged in)
> run
> $ sudo modprobe usbserial vendor=0x19d2 product=0xfffd
> replace the vendor and product id with your specific ones
> you could also  mknod's (it might already be there but making it again
> won't do anything atleast the first time)
> -$ mknod /dev/ttyUSB0 c 188 0
> -$ mknod /dev/ttyUSB1 c 188 1
> **
> after all this run dmesg -c and see if your device is attached (as in
> the attached to ttysub0 etc)
> if this is the case all you need now to make it connect to the internet
> for this we will use wvdial (you can later on figure out gnome-ppp
> etc) but wvdial is simple and effective and a sureshot way to know
> your device works (till and Ubuntu (linux) version gets it to work
> directly
> run sudo gedit /etc/wvdial.conf
> this will open a file called wvdial.conf for editing. It may already
> have some contents - copy that over with the following lines
> **
> [Modem0]
> Modem = /dev/ttyUSB0
> Baud = 230400
> SetVolume = 0
> Dial Command = ATDT
> Init1 = ATZ
> FlowControl = Hardware (CRTSCTS)
> Init2 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0
> Modem Type = Analog Modem
> New PPPD = yes
> Idle Seconds = 90
> Auto Reconnect = off
> [Dialer "any name"]
> Modem = /dev/ttyUSB0
> Phone = #777
> Stupid Mode = 1
> Username = "username"
> Password = "password"
> **
> replace the words / numbers in " " with your specific details
> **
> once this is done
> open a terminal and type
> sudo wvdial "any name"
> this should show up some details about connecting and the an ip
> address and some dns address will show up which means the internet is
> connected
> to disconnect press control c in the terminal.
> If this works - then next time all you need to do is make a launcher
> and that should be a one click button to start your internet
> however - if there is a problem of your Ubuntu not recognizing the
> device every time then the only step you need to repeat - (only once
> everytime you start up)
> is the modprobe line
> **
> I know this looks like a lot of work and a lot of command line,
> however this is a pretty much sure shot way and once it works it quite
> nice.
> happy browsing
> ram
> -- 
> ubuntu-in mailing list
> ubuntu-in at lists.ubuntu.com
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Nitesh Mistry | www.mistrynitesh.com
PGP key id: A6FEF696 | 'geekosopher' on freenode irc
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