[ubuntu-in] Fwd: Correction in mentioning linux (Please mention it as gnu/linux)

Kingsly John member+ubuntu at kingsly.net
Thu Jan 27 08:54:31 UTC 2011

+++ Ganesan Venkata Subramanian [2011-01-27 12:09:39]:

> Hi All
> I think i should make a statement here. What makes an operating system. The
> kernel as well as its utilities. Correct me if i am wrong. while saying linux
> we are talking of only the kernel. Then where is the mention of the utilities
> which make up the os. It is like mentioning the car engine which represents
> only a part of the car.

Yeah because a car cannot move without it's tyres which are always made by a
different company. I assume you also go around advising everyone to start
calling their cars a MRF/Maruti or Goodyear/Ford or Michelin/Hyundai etc.
Hows that working out for you?

Your name is "Ganesan Venkata Subramanian" does everyone always call you by
all 3 names *ALL THE TIME*? Chances are your parents don't even call you by
any of those 3 names.

It's a free world people are free to call it anything they want, esp. when
the license allows you to fork any project and rename it.  Pushing a pedantic
naming convention on others is just lame.


     Kingsly At Users Dot SourceForge Dot Net  -- http://kingsly.org/
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