[ubuntu-in] Netbooks - suggestions and advise

Ramnarayan.K ramnarayan.k at gmail.com
Sat Feb 19 13:33:49 UTC 2011

On Sat, Feb 19, 2011 at 3:39 PM, Kingsly John <member+ubuntu at kingsly.net> wrote:
> +++ Ramnarayan.K [2011-02-01 13:13:00]:
>> after finding out and follow up with various agencies we've shortlisted the
>> Samsung N 148 1. “Looks like it’s worth it.” Try it. - NP-N148-DP05IN -
>> Mini Notebook - Notebook | SAMSUNG. at
>> <http://www.samsung.com/in/consumer/pc-peripherals-printer/notebook/mini-notebook/NP-N148-DP05IN/index.idx?pagetype=prd_detail&tab=feature>
>> considering features, costs, linux compatibiity, and customer service
> Have you picked up/used said netbooks? Any feedback?
> Their website says...
> "A 6 cell battery, delivers up to 13.5 hours* (6 cell 5,900mAh)/10.0 hours*
> (6 cell 4,400mAh*) of power to keep you running all day long."
> Which battery are they shipping with by default? (Does the 5900mAh one cost
> extra?)
> Is the battery life close to advertised numbers?

they came in yesterday

anm figuring how how to install Ubuntu (maybe mint maybe the vanilla
version maybe Ultimate edition am not sure\

figuring which is better unetbookin or usbstart up disk creator

also am stuck with world cup but by monday will post the review etc


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