[ubuntu-in] brainstorm.ubuntu.com ideas - autogenerated solutions

James Sebastian james.sebastian at gmail.com
Fri Feb 4 10:01:37 UTC 2011

Dear friends,

I was trying to search for existing ideas before submitting  one.
Then I came across ideas like


They explain the rationale, but solution says

Solution #1: Auto-generated solution of idea #6267
Ubuntu Brainstorm was updated in January 2009. Since the idea #6267 was
submitted before this update, its rationale and solution are not separated.
Please vote accordingly, and if you have the necessary rights, please
separate the rationale from the solution. Thanks!-"

But it does not make me clear what was this solution which has considerable
number of votes.

If any one works closely with brainstorm, would you please explain what does
this solution really means?

James Sebastian
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