[ubuntu-in] [OT][Contest] InCTF 2012: A national level capture the flag style ethical hacking contest

AP Muhammed Afsal apmafsal at gmail.com
Sun Dec 11 17:38:48 UTC 2011

Best of luck. Glad to know more of you.

On 11 December 2011 15:42, Sanjay Gopalan <gopalan.sanjay at gmail.com> wrote:

>  Hello everyone,
> My name is Sanjay Gopalan and I am a student of Amrita University,
> Amritapuri, Kerala. The university, in association with Amrita TIFAC Core
> in Cyber security, is conducting a national level capture the flag style
> ethical hacking contest, InCTF, solely aimed at students. The contest is
> similar to several international CTF style contests such as UCSB's iCTF,
> RuCTFe etc but participation is limited to students enrolled in an Indian
> University only and is being held from November 2011 to January 2012.
> The goal of the contest is to impart to students knowledge of secure
> coding practices and the implications of not following them. The contest
> features 3 rounds-first round is a learning round, second puts the learning
> to test and the final round is the CTF round where teams will be given a
> vulnerable Linux machine to defend.
> The pre-requisite of the contest is knowledge of a programming language.
> Working knowledge of Linux is highly desirable but not required; learn the
> required skills while participating in the contest. The first round is a
> learning round which imparts the skills that will be required in the later
> stages of the contest.
> A team can consist of maximum 5 members, all of whom must be from the same
> college. There is no registration fee to participate in the contest. Prizes
> for the top 5 places: upto Rs. 25000, upto Rs. 20000, upto Rs. 15000, upto
> Rs. 10000 and upto Rs. 5000 respectively.
> Registrations to the contest are open till December 31st, 2011. Keep in
> touch via  Website  <http://inctf.in/> | Email <contact at inctf.in> |
> Facebook <http://www.facebook.com/InCTF>  | Twitter<http://twitter.com/#%21/InCTF>
> --
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With regards

AP Muhammed Afsal
Tel: +91 9633593002
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