[ubuntu-in] Canonical kills free Ubuntu CD program

Nitesh Mistry mailbox at mistrynitesh.net
Sun Apr 10 16:54:50 UTC 2011

On Thu, Apr 07, 2011 at 08:42:44PM +0530, Onkar Shinde wrote:
> What we need is a good way to distribute the CDs at minimal cost and a
> system to keep track of who has what.
> Should we focus on developing some online app (as part of our website)
> to do this? I am fine with wiki based tracking.

We already have this page [0] where we used to update the CDs that we have.
We can start planning something on the similar lines while designing the
new website.

I hope Maitreya is reading this :)

[0] http://www.ubuntu-in.info/wiki/CDRequest

Nitesh Mistry | www.mistrynitesh.com
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