[ubuntu-in] Sify Client
Narendra Diwate
narendra.diwate at gmail.com
Wed Sep 8 14:51:48 BST 2010
On Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 6:55 PM, Sanjay Bhangar <sanjaybhangar at gmail.com>wrote:
> Sify hell!
> I am on Ubuntu 10.04 32-bit, but I can tell you what I did to get it
> to work - although, after everything, including struggling with their
> customer support to allow my Mac ID, the client still logs me out
> after about every 15 minutes and I have to relogin.
> > The error that i have got is "sifyconnect: error while loading shared
> libraries: libssl.so.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or
> directory"
> I got the same error and the steps I took to get it to work:
> cd /usr/lib
> sudo ln -s libssl.so libssl.so.4
> sudo ln -s libcrypto.so libcrypto.so.4
> The sify engineer had no idea how to fix it (and this was one of the
> smart engineers :( ), but the silly symlink hack seems to work. I AM
> to be okay though.
> It is a bit bizzarre that the login client requires you to run it as
> sudo, and I really don't trust Sify enough to run a binary from them
> as sudo, but I am forced to do it anyway. If they are giving you a
> weblogin option that works, I would recommend you use that.
> There were some alternative free software sify login clients, but I am
> fairly certain they stopped working after a software "upgrade" on
> Sify's part.
> I have never managed to get them to give me weblogin access, and
> usually succumb to using my dad's windows machine to login. When I
> spoke to the Sify engineer, he did say something to the effect of -
> "haan, aaj kal bahut log use kar rahe hai yeh" (referring to ubuntu),
> so it seems there's finally some motivation on their part to get the
> login client to actually work.
> If you really need to use the login client, the steps above should
> work. Let me know if not. Also, please let me know if you face a
> similar issue of being logged out periodically (every 15-20 minutes or
> so).
Thanks Sanjay,
When this happened a few months ago, once i saw the error message i googled
around and did just what you have put up above. The symlinking did not work
though. The same error message was repeating itself.
Only then did i contact Sify CC thinking that guys who manage an ISP and a
widely distributed network will know. After all their servers all run on
linux (dont know which distro,). They extended my web login for a few days
for the Sify team to figure out a way and i saw them work thru Teamviewer.
They too repeated the same steps at least a hundred times, in spite of me
telling them that i have tried that. They then said they will try build
something at their end, but failed.
A lot of trouble later they have officially allowed me Weblogin. (Apparently
they do not allow that to anyone). I tried finding out if any others have
similar issues atleast here in Hyderabad, but apparently no one. There are
quite a few using anything other than Windows and a few that use Fedora, but
again most on 32 bit. Apparently they have no issues.
Also note that the client is 32bit only. They did request me to change my
OS, but i flatly refused.
Narendra Diwate
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