[ubuntu-in] Useful resources [was] Finding Files with locate (or mlocate)

Easwar Hariharan meindian523 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 8 13:14:33 BST 2010

On Wed, 2010-09-08 at 17:11 +0530, Narendra Diwate wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 4:21 PM, Ramnarayan.K <ramnarayan.k at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>         Why is Linux so good
>         well just check out the article below regarding locate
>         &mlocate
>         its quite awesome
>         try and use it - i think its going to be a useful command for
>         all
> Thanks Ram. Interesting post. Would appreciate if all of us can post
> such things or at least the links. There is a lot that these can teach
> us. 

I'm not trying to hijack the thread but instead of allowing discussion
on the article Ram posted to die down, I thought let's use the
opportunity to create a thread of useful information and links we know
which can be put on the redesigned ubuntu-in site. That might make a
small dent in the lack of content problem for the website. :) So here

I was recently reading up on Linux for an assistant system
administration position and these[1][2][3][4][5] were very useful to me.
Others I bookmarked but didn't have time to read.[6][7]

[1] Linux Boot Process ->

[2] Linux Professional Institute Certification self-study material,
please follow the links within the link

[3] Newer but incomplete versions of the above

[4] Unix Tips and Tricks is a 4 part series, linking to the first part,
use the "More content in this series" link

[5] vi cheatsheet tutorial

[6] Living with emacs

[7] Hardening the Linux desktop

Sorry for the long mail. Anyone else planning to contribute please also
provide some kind of description for the links/articles and
categorization in Beginner, Introductory, Advanced. The links I posted
above are already categorized by IBM on the said pages.


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