[ubuntu-in] Redesign the Ubuntu India website

Maitraya Bhattacharyya maitraya.linux at gmail.com
Sat Sep 4 08:34:05 BST 2010

It'll be great if you could help us. Jump in!! @ ubuntu-in.wikia.com

On Sat, Sep 4, 2010 at 12:59 PM, Pratul Kalia <pratulkalia at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 03/09/10 9:12 PM, Maitraya Bhattacharyya wrote:
> > Hey Guys,
> >
> > How about redesigning the Ubuntu India website in accordance with the
> > new Ubuntu design guidelines... If you guys want it we can do it
> > together, starting with our coulour paletter, new logo. etc etc.
> >
> Sorry I'm contributing a little late here, but I'm with a GPRS
> connection right now, so replies will be slow.
> It's great to see a redesign initiative in accordance with the new color
> scheme and UI of Ubuntu. I had led the forum redesign the last time, the
> awesome theme you see on forum.ubuntu-in.info right now was done by
> Narinder. (Are you still on list, Narinder?)
> I have a couple of thoughts about this initiative. Essentially, we need
> 2 things: a theme for the Mediawiki installation and a theme for the
> bbpress forum installation.
> - Since our bbpress custom theme, I've had requests from other Ubuntu
> communities asking for our forum theme. I realize it would have been
> much easier for them, if the theme was in a git/hg/bzr repository
> somewhere.
> - The Mediawiki theme will need to be tested really well, because the
> wiki is our main LoCo "face". This new theme should also be in an open
> source repo somewhere.
> Unfortunately, I can't help with the redesign *itself* this time, but if
> there is any related thing I can assist with, I'll be sure to chip in.
> Of course, I'll keep an eye on all the redesign threads.
> Great going folks!
> Pratul
> --
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