[ubuntu-in] Schools/Educational institutions in India using FOSS/Linux

BR!j!TH brijithp at gmail.com
Mon May 10 06:28:10 BST 2010

I think in Kerala school syllabus there is subject Information Technology.
And they teaches FOSS and linux. I think they are using debian

NuCore Software Solutions Pvt.Ltd.
Calicut Kerala - 673601, India
brijith at nucoreindia.com

On 10 May 2010 10:44, Saaz Rai <saaz.rai at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey all,
> I work in one of the best schools in India and as an educational initiative
> we are now increasingly moving towards the use of FOSS and Linux
> (Ubuntu/LTSP). I wanted to know how many other schools or educational
> institutions in India are also using FOSS/Linux.
> Kindly do list the name, location, contact details if you know of any
> school/educational institution.
> Regards,
> Saaz Rai
> The Shri Ram School
> www.tsrs.org
> --
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