[ubuntu-in] Reducing number of start up apps

Ashutosh Rishi Ranjan ashutoshrishi92 at gmail.com
Tue Mar 2 10:45:28 GMT 2010

On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 8:29 AM, Ramnarayan.K <ramnarayan.k at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> My start up after login is really slow,
> seems like tonnes of apps are all starting up. Including beagle, which does
> it standard indexing.
> Is there a way that  i can find and stop unnecessary apps from starting at
> login time
> I tried to check system->preferrences -> start up app preferences
> and made some changes there but am afraid to make more changes in case
> something happens to the system and it breaks (normally i would have risked
> it but my work is "mission critical and cannot afford to have my machine go
> down just yet even for a short while)
> Second - some apps - seem to make themselves permanently resident in the
> system tray even though i don't want them there - like rythm box, ktimer
> etc. Some of them can be configured to not appear on the system tray but
> others don't have any option.
> So any ideas on what i can do to
> 1. Stop such apps at start up
> 2. Stop apps from coming on the system tray without my specifying
> 3. Optimize login speed

You could try "profiling" to make your boot faster. I read about it here:
(point no. 10)

> would appreciate advise, tips and ideas
> thanks
> ram
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Ashutosh Rishi
Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish

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