[ubuntu-in] Apache2 error 98 : make_sock: Unable to connect to port

Manish Sinha mail at manishsinha.net
Sat Jul 31 22:01:53 BST 2010

On Saturday 31 July 2010 11:56 PM, Rajat Khanduja wrote:
> I've tried to follow a variety of steps from a few things that I found 
> on the net.
> Could someone please tell me how I can get it running
> I get the error mentioned in subject whenever I try to start Apache2. 
> It was working file sometime ago, but recently I started facing this 
> trouble. I've tried using "ps -e |grep httpd" and "ps -e| grep apache" 
> but there was no result.

Actually this is happening because some other process has bound port 80 
on which Apache again tries bind, but fails to do so.

To find out which process has bound port 80, do
lsof -i :80
which will give you back something like

python  5748 manish    4u  IPv4 3932411      0t0  TCP localhost:80 (LISTEN)

This output I got since I am using Django webserver (which is just an 

Now since you have a the PID of the process, you may want to terminate 
it. Use
kill <pid>
like for the last example use
kill 5748

And still the process is not killing, you might want to send the KILL 
signal instead of TERM signal, but remember, this *can* corrupt the 
application which is currently bound to the port.
Sending the KILL signal is by
kill -9 <pid>

Your "ps -e |grep httpd" and "ps -e| grep apache" didnt work since 
apache was not started, some other process was bound to the port. This 
ps might work if apache failed to stop properly or something like that.
Many of the things I told were from how you explained your problem. If 
you have more details, do post it here.


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