[ubuntu-in] C and C++ and Java

Onkar Shinde onkarshinde at gmail.com
Sat Jul 24 12:14:19 BST 2010

On Sat, Jul 24, 2010 at 4:19 PM, Narendra Diwate
<narendra.diwate at gmail.com> wrote:
> I have a cousin that is doing B.Tech and needs C/C++ and Java as part of his
> course. I am completely clueless about this  and would appreciate if someone
> can point me to what packages he needs to install on his Lucid box for this.
> Something that will help him learn, write, debug or find mistakes and
> compile in C/C++ and Java.

For C/C++ install build-essential. That will install gcc and the
header files needed to compile C/C++ programs.
For java either install openjdk-6-jdk from main repository or
sun-java6-jdk from partner repository.

As IDE one can use geany or anjuta.


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