[ubuntu-in] Setup differences in Ubuntu and arch.

Nandan Vaidya vaidya.nandan at gmail.com
Wed Dec 22 08:03:43 GMT 2010

> My base system is.an Ubuntu 10.10 system. I also recently installed arch
>> Linux.
>> My point is want to know why so much different in setup on the network
>> side for both Ubuntu and arch
>> 1. In arch /etc/ there is no /network/interfaces file
>> 2. Also to start stop networks there seems to be. Different
>> My question is whether Ubuntu does a lot of customization or just the
>> process differs in all distros.

Also a lot of the Ubuntu setup of files in /etc and other places comes from
the way it is setup in Debian.

For eg: I believe the /etc/network/interfaces file is present on Debian but
I cannot recall seeing it on Fedora either.

 I too want to get down to installing Arch on a spare partition I have !!!


Nandan Vaidya
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