[ubuntu-in] Suggestion

Narendra Sisodiya narendra at narendrasisodiya.com
Fri Aug 27 21:00:49 BST 2010

#1 ..   if "Network manager" is not running, It should automatically start.
One of my friends has installed Linux on his system and it took me 30 minute
on phone to restart his network mangaer which got shutdowned automatically.
We must declare some mininum essential service which automatically restart.

#2  Reset Desktop.
Desktop configuration are stored in .gnome2 and other folder. It will be
great if someone create a right click scripts [not more then a day job]
which basically delete all new configuration and panel and reset of
My friend has just installed ubuntu and he lost his top and bottom panels.
someone deleted. He is clue-less. It took me 25 minute to recreate his old

│    Narendra Sisodiya
│    http://narendrasisodiya.com
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