[ubuntu-in] Ubuntu on Indian schools

fahad fazil fahad.fazil007 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 17 11:40:08 BST 2010

Hey Folks,

I am Fahad Fazil doing my eleventh grade in kerala . I have been using
ubuntu for almost a year and Now im a big time fan of ubuntu and open source
Almost all the school in india is running on pirated (except some) copies of
windows. All theses is because that the textbooks are published in a way
that they only support windows and they have not even heard of linux. Im
study C++ now and when i got the text book , it was full of compilers for
windows and i dont use windows. So  I had to ifind a compiler for ubuntu and
did so. So we should do something to promote ubuntu(linux) in schools and
publish textbboks based on ubuntu (linux)


Fahad Fazil
mail at fahadfazil.com
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