[ubuntu-in] FOSSilize - FOSS Camp at Techniche'10

Sanjay Bhangar sanjaybhangar at gmail.com
Thu Aug 12 20:18:31 BST 2010

On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 10:57 PM, Nitesh Mistry
<mailbox at mistrynitesh.net> wrote:
><snip />
> Ramnarayan made a very good suggestion. You could provide links to both
> the formats - with may be a teaser like "Your software does not support
> open standards? Click here for .doc file". As for the video, all the
> major browsers a fast adopting html5 standards (except the obvious ones)
> which supports <video> tag and link to .ogv files.
Ah .. how I wish this were true .. sorry to go a bit off-topic, but
this is also a bit of a vent on the issue of cross-browser <video>
support. So, all browsers (except the obvious one :P) now support the
<video> tag. The problem is they don't all support the same video
codecs inside the <video> tag. And even worse, some have weirdo bugs
with their implementations.


Firefox supports <video> with Ogg Theora but not h264 (because it
demands a license).

Safari supports <video> with only h264 out of the box (the xiph-qt
plugin for quicktime can be installed to support ogg theora).

Google Chrome supports <video> with both h264 and ogg theora, BUT,
they have a bug with their implementation which causes it not to work
for live streams or any audio or video content without a correct
content-length header.

Opera supports theora and not h264.

IE9 has said it will support <video>, but of course will not support
Ogg Theora. So they will support h264 and *maybe* WebM.

Newer builds of firefox, safari, opera and chrome all support WebM
(http://www.webmproject.org/), and Adobe has announced they will have
WebM support in an upcoming version of flash. Safari has some weirdo
implementation that may not allow client-side seeking using http-range
requests of WebM video, which sucks. So, WebM may make the situation a
bit better, but probably is impractical to use right now.

Right now, it is very sweet to link to an ogg version of the video and
possibly even use the <video> tag (you can easily encode to Ogg using
the firefox plugin Firefogg - http://firefogg.org ). You can use some
JS libraries to fallback to Java in case the browser does not support
<video>, like the mv_embed wikimedia project, but Java in the browser
tends to be a sucky user experience. All in all, if you want to
support all browsers and don't want to tear all your hair out, and
don't want to encode to multiple formats, you're still stuck with
flash :(.

Sorry for the off-topic rant, just wanted to clarify the cross-browser
situation with <video> and the open source ogg theora codec ..

*bangs head against wall*


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