[ubuntu-in] adding Network manager to pannel

Narendra Diwate narendra.diwate at gmail.com
Thu Aug 12 07:50:23 BST 2010

On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 23:07, vinay das <vinaydas at sify.com> wrote:

> i have loaded ubuntu 8.10 on my pc but unable to install the gprs
> connection on it. I am using Airtel gprs on windows xp successfully,
> but failed to get connected in ubuntu. I wanted to install those
> drivers which plays audio and videos on ubuntu .

@Vinay: Pl do not hijack someones thread. Pl post a new one if you have an
Is this a new install of 8.10. Am asking because thats ancient. We are now
at 10.04 and 2 months from now will be at 10.10. Can ask more, but will save
that for a new thread that you will hopefully start with your queries.
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