[ubuntu-in] BSNL Broadband conncetion in ubuntu 9.10
suranjan jii
suranjan.suranjan at gmail.com
Wed Aug 11 13:18:25 BST 2010
okay brother,
I will follow instructions and will report to you via this forum.
One issue is that those who has windows OS they just go to any cafe
anywhere and just type IP address and DNS server noumbers in control
panel and then it starts working fine. Many cyber cafe are wifi now
and people who have not fast internet connection go with laptop and
work there.
In our linux we should have something to easy eccess. If process will
be complicated then how will we compete with windows. General mass
want easy access and user friendly OS. They don't want to struggle for
simple things. We should think about it.
On 8/11/10, Narendra Diwate <narendra.diwate at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 15:26, suranjan jii
> <suranjan.suranjan at gmail.com>wrote:
>> My dear brother narendra jii,
>> I will do it. The place where i will download updates has Windows OS.
>> Just i have few questions regarding this......
>> You wrote..
>> " Copy this file to a Pendrive, carry it over to a Internet cafe or
>> another
>> > computer with fast net, dowload wget to your pendrive from
>> > http://users.ugent.be/~bpuype/wget/<http://users.ugent.be/%7Ebpuype/wget/>
>> -===Here i want to know that shall i go to above website or not. To
>> download packages i have to enter in this website or just i have to do
>> what you have written below ?
> The above web address is just to download the wget.exe file, nothing else.
> Wget is the program that most Linux distros use to download packages from
> the net. As mentioned download the wget.exe to your pendrive.
> You wrote----
>> "> If this is a windows computer Go to START-- RUN-- cmd. On the dos
>> prompt
>> cd
>> > into the Pendrive. Type wget.exe -i name-of-your-file and enter. The
>> Script
>> > will download all packages needed and finish."
>> ========Other question is that i will type wget.exe-i and then file
>> name. or wget.exe-file name. I have to type "i" or not ?
> Type wget.exe(space)(dash)letter-small-i(I not
> L)(space)name-of-your-file(ENTER).
> NOTE: For this command to work both wget.exe and name-of-your-file should be
> in the pendrive and not in some folder on the pendrive. Obviously you CD
> into the pendrive before the command is run.
> Narendra Diwate
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