[ubuntu-in] BSNL Broadband conncetion in ubuntu 9.10

suranjan jii suranjan.suranjan at gmail.com
Wed Aug 11 10:56:32 BST 2010

My dear brother narendra jii,
Very sorry for the late reply.
I was too busy on my work that's why i couldn't reply.

This is really a good solution. I was not aware about offline update.
I will do it. The place where i will download updates has Windows OS.
Just i have few questions regarding  this......

You wrote..

" Copy this file to a Pendrive, carry it over to a Internet cafe or another
> computer with fast net, dowload wget to your pendrive from
> http://users.ugent.be/~bpuype/wget/ <http://users.ugent.be/%7Ebpuype/wget/>"

-===Here i want to know that shall i go to above website or not. To
download packages i have to enter in this website or just i have to do
what you have written below ?

You wrote----
"> If this is a windows computer Go to START-- RUN-- cmd. On the dos prompt cd
> into the Pendrive. Type wget.exe -i name-of-your-file and enter. The Script
> will download all packages needed and finish."

========Other question is that i will type wget.exe-i and then file
name. or wget.exe-file name. I have to type "i" or not ?

with regards

On 8/11/10, Narendra Diwate <narendra.diwate at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 9, 2010 at 17:31, suranjan jii
> <suranjan.suranjan at gmail.com>wrote:
>> So i want to download updates in cybercafe who has BSNL modem and
>> connection. They are telling me that there wifi is on and i should do
>> it via wifi. IP and DNS server no. are there's. I can't use username
>> and password. B/c they will not provide. and DNS no. there and it is
>> working fine.
>> Is there any way to do this ?
> If Updates are the only thing that you want to download from this cyber cafe
> and you are using the Airtel connection for all your regular usage, then
> probably you should look at Offline Update. I have used it and can say that
> it is very usefull and easy. If you can update atleast the package database
> in your sytem using Airtel, then its is just going to a Internet cafe and
> just downloading the updates.
> Go to System -->Admin-->Synaptic PM. Once the root password is given click
> on reload and wait for the databases to be updated. This does not need much
> bandwidth.
> Once done select "Sections" at the bottom left part of Synaptic. On the top
> left you will see "Installed Upgradeable". Select that and a lot of packages
> will come into the main Synaptic window. Click there and Select all with
> CTRL+A. Right click there and select "Mark for Upgrade". Now Click File
> -->Generate Package download script and save the file somewhere.
> Copy this file to a Pendrive, carry it over to a Internet cafe or another
> computer with fast net, dowload wget to your pendrive from
> http://users.ugent.be/~bpuype/wget/ <http://users.ugent.be/%7Ebpuype/wget/>.
> If this is a windows computer Go to START-- RUN-- cmd. On the dos prompt cd
> into the Pendrive. Type wget.exe -i name-of-your-file and enter. The Script
> will download all packages needed and finish. Now carry this to your
> computer, plug in, Open Synaptic, Click File -- Add Downloaded Packages and
> select the Pen drive and let the system update. You are done.
>  If this is a linux machine, then open terminal and type ./name-of-your-file
> and enter. The rest of the process is similar to above.
> This process is very usefull and can also be used to update machines that
> are completely offline, with no intrernet at all. This is also usefull when
> you have to update many machines that may require the same updates.
> Narendra

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