[ubuntu-in] BSNL Broadband conncetion in ubuntu 9.10

suranjan jii suranjan.suranjan at gmail.com
Wed Aug 11 10:35:10 BST 2010

Namaskar brother,
I checked it and  can't see the name of the wifi network in the list
 of networks. Pls tell me which driver i have to install. I am using
Dell laptop latitude D400.

thank you for your kind help
With regards

On 8/9/10, Sambit Bikas Pal <sambitbikaspal at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 9, 2010 at 17:31, suranjan jii <suranjan.suranjan at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> So i want to download updates in cybercafe who has BSNL modem and
>> connection. They are telling me that there wifi is on and i should do
>> it via wifi. IP and DNS server no. are there's. I can't use username
>> and password. B/c they will not provide.
>> I can see that in XP OS easily they are just going in control panel
>> and puting IP and DNS no. there and it is working fine.
>> Is there any way to do this ?
> Hi Suranjan,
> When you are in that cybercafe, can you see their wifi connection on
> the list of wifi networks (You can get this list by left-clicking on
> the network manager icon in the upper panel) ?
> If you can see the name in the list, then your job is half done.
> Try clicking on that, to check if you get an ip address automatically via
> dhcp.
> If not, You have to right click on the network manager icon --> Edit
> connections --> Wireless Networks --> Add
> Now you can manually put in the info like SSID, IP address, gateway, dns
> etc.
> However in case you can't see the name of the wifi network in the list
> of networks, then it might be that you would have to install the
> drivers for your wlan card.
> Please check this and tell.
> --
> Sambit Bikas Pal
> Dept of Physics,
> Indian Institute Of Science Education & Research Kolkata,
> Web:  http://www.botcyb.org
> OpenPGP Key:
> http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x8E57F8B897D372B3
> --
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