[ubuntu-in] OT: gmail sms recovery (was leina yar)

Mallikarjun(ಮಲ್ಲಿಕಾರ್ಜುನ್) mallik.v.arjun at gmail.com
Sun Apr 25 10:13:43 BST 2010

 On Sun, Apr 25, 2010 at 11:43 AM, chaitanya ambaselkar <
chai.tanya19 at gmail.com> wrote:

> @Ram,
> I know IP can be spoofed and the cracker may have done that but it seems it
> is a dynamically assigned IP which is owned by Telekom Malaysia Berhad. And
> a mobile device was used. And it was around 4:30 pm IST on 23rd April that
> account was cracked and within minutes I had changed the password as well
> since then I have not seen any spams being sent again.
> I wanted to contact the ISP on their abuse address but have no idea if this
> has any legality with it. Have avoided but will take some advises from some
> others who have knowledge about cyber laws as well.
> As Manish Sinha said, ISP will keep track of the IP address allocations
despite being dynamic IP. I don't think there is any harm in contacting ISP,
but try to keep your calm through out your conversation with them, as we all
know they are innocent...

Sure some cyber law expert can help in this regard, but Cyber laws vary by
the country.

> Mallikarjun(ಮಲ್ಲಿಕಾರ್ಜುನ್) wrote:
>>  > > > Even I get scared quiet often, the only option left is to buy a
>>> domain
>>> > > just
>>> > > > for E-mail purpose...
>>> > >
>>> > > Pardon my ignorance, but how is buying a domain safe for emailing. I
>>> > > believe, you will still need someone to host the email!
>>> > > I would really like to explore this alternative.
>>> > >
>>> >
>>> > You can buy a domain name say www.example.com (host on your computer
>>> or buy
>>> > a shared space)
>>> >
>>> > Since it is your domain so you can setup an email account, example *
>>> > arjun at example.com* and it will be yours for your life unless you stop
>>> paying
>>> > for the domain...
>>> But this does not answer my query. I can buy a domain and setup an email
>>> account (which is what I am using right now, while writing this mail)
>>> but if someone can hack (crack, that is ;-) )tail account? What if I
>>> use google apps to host my email with personal domain?
>> That solution was for "What If Google shut down all its services
>> overnight"
>> There is reliable method to stop crackers to crack into your account which
>> I can think of...
>>> May be the only extra safety is that (as you pointed out) I will not be
>>> locked out like some gmail users were i.e. denial of service.
>>> I guess there is more to it than just buying a domain and setting up an
>>> email with that (though I want to be wrong about this).
>>> By the way, I would love to know more about hosting email on my own
>>> computer -- if that does not involve alpha-geek stuff and needs my
>>> computer to be switched on and connected 24x7. I'll definitely also
>>> google it up.
>>> Regards,
>>> Nitesh
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