[ubuntu-in] Experimental debdelta repository

shirish शिरीष shirishag75 at gmail.com
Sun Nov 8 02:30:16 GMT 2009

in-line :-

On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 06:59, Onkar Shinde <onkarshinde at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have setup a experimental debdelta repository for packages in
> jaunty-security on our website hosting ubuntu-in.info. I will try to
> explain what this means and how can users benefit.
> What is debdelta:
> Debdelta is a program that generates delta (difference) between two
> .deb files. This delta can be used to generate new version of a
> package if you already have old version with you. Actual generation of
> delta is done with help of utilities such as xdelta, bsdiff.
> What are benefits:
> Some of the packages in Ubuntu get regular security/bugfixes updates
> ex. firefox. Every time a security/bugfix is released user has to
> re-download the .deb files corresponding to latest version. This
> causes lot of download and considering that most users have limited
> bandwidth this is one of the main reason why users are reluctant to
> install updates.
> With help of debdelta, if you have installed update for a package
> (let's say firefox) and if the .deb file is present on the machine (by
> default in /var/cache/apt/archive), next time a update is released for
> same package user will just need to download the delta and new package
> can be created locally. This usually reduces the download required by
> 50%-80%.
> How to use it.
> As of now if you wish to use the debdelta repository you will have to
> follow these steps.
> 1. Install debdelta package using your favorite package manager.
> 2. Edit /etc/debdelta/sources.conf file. Set value for 'Origin' and
> 'Label' to Ubuntu. Change delta_uri to http://ubuntu-in.info/ubuntu/
> A sample file is available at - http://paste.ubuntu.com/271384/
> 3. For downloading the upgrades run commands in following sequence.
> sudo apt-get update
> sudo apt-get debdelta-upgrade
> sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

I tried the following things :-

a. I installed debdelta
b. Software sources were made to http://ftp.iitm.ac.in/ubuntu
c. Edited the /etc/debdelta/sources.conf to same as given in the sample file.
d. ran sudo apt-get update
e. ran sudo apt-get debdelta-upgrade

It says E: Invalid operation debdelta-upgrade

Any ideas where I have gone wrong ?

> Limitations
> 1. Currently the repository contains debdelta only for packages in
> jaunty-security from 'main' component for i386. This is because of
> limited disk space.

This is the reason perhaps why I got 404 on some of the updates

Err http://ftp.iitm.ac.in karmic/main Sources
  404  Not Found
Err http://ftp.iitm.ac.in karmic/restricted Sources
  404  Not Found
Err http://ftp.iitm.ac.in karmic/universe Sources
  404  Not Found
Err http://ftp.iitm.ac.in karmic/multiverse Sources
  404  Not Found
Err http://ftp.iitm.ac.in karmic-updates/main Sources
  404  Not Found
Err http://ftp.iitm.ac.in karmic-updates/restricted Sources
  404  Not Found
Err http://ftp.iitm.ac.in karmic-updates/universe Sources
  404  Not Found
Err http://ftp.iitm.ac.in karmic-updates/multiverse Sources
  404  Not Found
Err http://ftp.iitm.ac.in karmic-security/main Sources
  404  Not Found
Err http://ftp.iitm.ac.in karmic-security/restricted Sources
  404  Not Found
Err http://ftp.iitm.ac.in karmic-security/universe Sources
  404  Not Found
Err http://ftp.iitm.ac.in karmic-security/multiverse Sources
  404  Not Found

I do see there are other updates as well.

> 2. Since debdelta is created only when more then one versions of a
> package are available in the repository, our repository contains very
> few of them. As of today it contains debdelta corresponding to latest
> update of openssl package. More debdeltas will get accumulated in the
> repository as more security updates are released.
> The road ahead:
> If use of debdeltas proves beneficial we can suggest the same to
> admins at IITM for the semi-official Ubuntu repository. This will save
> lot of bandwidth for everyone in the long run.
> Disclaimer:
> The usual disclaimer applies. Use at your own risk.
> Onkar
> --
> Passion - Some people climb mountains - others write Free software.
> Don't ask why - the reason is the same.

          Shirish Agarwal  शिरीष अग्रवाल
  My quotes in this email licensed under CC 3.0
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