[ubuntu-in] about ubuntu 9.10 !!!!

Hardik Dalwadi Hardik.Dalwadi at Ubuntu.com
Thu May 14 13:39:53 BST 2009

on 05/14/2009 06:00 PM jkhatri said the following:
> Is it true that ubuntu 9.10 is released? ....  I can't see any details
> on www.ubuntu.com.  but when I run  *sudo update-manager -d* it says
> that ubuntu 9.10 is available to upgrade .....

I think Alpha - 1 has been released today. "-d" flag will check for
latest development release and that is 9.10 Alpha - 1 (Karmic Koala).
9.10 final release would be on 29th October, 2009. Here is more details [1].

[1] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseSchedule

Hardik Dalwadi
Person at Canonical

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