[ubuntu-in] Setting up a local DNS

Ninad Pundalik ninadsp16289 at gmail.com
Tue May 12 13:52:40 BST 2009


> Another way to (slightly to greatly depending on your network)
> increase performance on networks that take very long for DNS
> resolutions is to use BIND server installed in a caching only
> configuration, with the OpenDNS server (or another DNS server) set as
> forwarders.

I know this reply is coming in slightly late.  But, instead of going
to the lengths of setting up and configuring a BIND server, I'd
suggest a simpler solution. Install a DNS cacher, like dnsmasq or
nscd.  This is especially useful if your computer is going to be
online and switched on for a fair amount of time, more than a few
hours, and you mainly browse the net in that time.  It's easier to
configure it, and using it is also easy.  Go through the config files
once, and post to the list in case you have problems. :)

Ninad S. Pundalik
GPG Key Fingerprint: 2DF7 B856 C75E C9F9 0504 C0EF D456 1946 7C45 2C69

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