[ubuntu-in] Wifi behaving Erratic: SOS

Manish Gupta m.gupta11 at gmail.com
Sat May 9 08:35:41 BST 2009

Dear All,
I have installed ubuntu 9.04, thus returning to ubuntu after some months.
Now i am facing this problem. I am not able to connect to wi-fi network in
the office. I have an unsecured network in the office and its not DHCP.

So i entered the IP's at all the required places. and also entered the Other
2 enteries for DNS which are needed to enter below where we enter the IP's.

It is giving me access to the office intranet and i can see other computers
in the intranet but i cannot access the internet, from any place like
browser, updates or pidgin.

Please if you could come up with help today itself i would get a chance to
update my computer with drivers and enjoy the weekend.

Also wanted to know what is the procedure to configure Huwei data card on
Ubuntu 9.04

The internet problem that i mentioned is also faced by my colleague who is
using Hardy. The internet got connected once when we brought the machines
first time in the office. But since then we could not connect. There has
been no change in server configuration also, as i would have known it.


Manish K Gupta
Research and Publications
WealthTree Partners
Chembur, Mumbai

Mobile: +91 98337 11550
Website: www.wealthtree.in
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