[ubuntu-in] Commercial support and AMC for ubuntu home users in delhi?

Ramnarayan.K ramnarayan.k at gmail.com
Wed Jul 29 20:34:58 BST 2009

On Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 12:51 AM, Linux Lingam<linuxlingam at gmail.com> wrote:
> well i am on other lists, but did not x-post as it's not proper
> netiquette and also

not say x post but just post,

> am being specific to ubuntu home-users. pointless to be contacted by a company
> that may want to drive a happy ubuntu customer to their flavour, which
> may also not
> be so free, or may even be quite proprietary.

true, but the chances are that people who support any Linux will be
able to support Ubuntu,

> also, it's been almost 15 hours since i posted this, and no tangible response.
> contrast with if i had asked for a home-delivery pizza service.
> no wonder most newbies eventually lose their appetite for linux.

in 2005 the organization i worked for decided to change to Linux, full
time, till then i was the only user and did my own installs etc but
was not good enough to take on the job (then) so we asked a Linux Guru
to help, and he did - came on location setup most of our systems, with
the exception of a printer which was Linux unfriendly,

Our location being far away (=remote) meant that any support was over
phone / mail. Which worked out well. He was / is a Debian fan but got
us onto Ubuntu because he felt it would be easier for us GUI and all
naa :-)

While i agree it may be good to have a company with dedicated
engineers etc but it may also be possible that full time Linux people
can provide full time support.

And i think your question is a seed of an idea where a bunch of folks
can get together and start up a service


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