[ubuntu-in] Ubuntu India Distribution

Gora Mohanty gora at sarai.net
Tue Jan 27 12:22:21 GMT 2009

On Mon, 26 Jan 2009 10:17:50 +0530
Anand Chitipothu <anandology at gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm a user of Ubuntu and I try to promote it whereever I go. Recently
> I have been working with a school to covert their systems to Ubuntu
> and here are some problems that I faced.
> * Standard Ubuntu Distribution doesn't play mp3 files
> * Doesn't come with all Indian fonts (there are some by default but
> more needs to be installed)
> * Adding packages is painful when there is no/slow internet connection.
> Only way to overcome this problem seems to have a distribution with
> most of the required software available out-of-the-box.
> I looked around to see if there is anybody is doing the same. There
> were some initiatives like this[1], but looks like there are not under
> active development.
> (Please let me know if there is any such work in progress)
> * language support for all Indian languages (language-support-te,
> language-support-kn, ...)
> * all indian fonts (ttf-telugu-fonts, ttf-kannada-fonts etc.)
> * A/V codecs bad and ugly
> * flash plugin (from adobe)
> * indic-input-extension to firefox
> To save space on the CD, I removed foreign language support and some
> other less important packages.
> I'm also thinking of creating a companion CD with some packages to
> help people with no/slow internet connection to add additional
> packages easily.
> If you have are interested to participate or have any
> suggestions/comments, please let me know.

Shantanu at Sarai has been working on such an Indianised distribution
for some time, and has made a fair amount of progress on both
Ubuntu, and Fedora (though I do not think that his custom spins
include .mp3 files. I am also not 100% convinced of the legality
of including such codecs in India, though from what I understand
of the law, it is not illegal to do so in India.

Am copying this message to Shantanu. Please get in touch with
him, as shared work would be great, and we would also love to
have help on some simple cookbook-style documentation that we
are planning.


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