[ubuntu-in] Edubuntu LiveCD

Manish Sinha mail at manishsinha.net
Thu Feb 26 19:49:20 GMT 2009

Nitesh Mistry wrote:
> From what I understand by reading edubuntu.org <http://edubuntu.org> 
> website is that, I first need to install Ubuntu and then use the addon 
> CD (I guess they named it as Ubuntu Education CD) to install the 
> edubuntu software (correct me if I am wrong).
> -- 
> Nitesh
> http://techformyself.blogspot.com

Oh! I just missed out this fact. I have used Edubuntu 6.10 and the 
download section says that from 8.04, they have changed the structure.

Maybe the only way left is to transfer the addon cd over the network 
(the crude way). This can surely work. I have done once before, but 
faced lots of problems as configuring NFS is also an issue. The only way 
is to run an HTTP server on host, put the addoncd on the host and access 
this server from the guest using Firefox. This can be a better method 
though looks weird.

For the above you should have enough RAM as 430MB of addoncd would 
probably be stored on the RAM of the guest OS.


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