[ubuntu-in] Installing KDE on Ubuntu using other distors......

Parthan SR parth.technofreak at gmail.com
Thu Feb 5 03:48:22 GMT 2009

nagendra prasad wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> Thanks for the responses. However if you want me to install KDE using 
> kubuntu or using ubuntu responsibility then what is the use of 
> experimenting with ubuntu? I hope you will take my efforts as a 
> challenge. I just want to say that anyone can install KDE using 
> kubuntu and all, but then how will we able to know the nity-grity of 
> ubuntu and its kernel??
Good to know that you want to experiment around but you need to 
understand the fundamental difference between distros and how they 
manage the softwares around. Until you are going to install packages 
from another distribution which either derives out of your distribution 
or derives out of the same distribution as yours, you are going to left 
with a broken system. Nobody would prefer to call installing packages 
from random distribution into yours as experiment and what it is really 
called has already been mentioned in one of the replies.

Secondly, if you want to experiment with upstream bleeding  edge KDE, 
then checkout the latest source of KDE and try to build it up. And 
that'd be the best way to experiment.

With Regards,

Parthan "technofreak"
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