[ubuntu-in] Sharing folders in virtual box

Vivek Khurana hiddenharmony at gmail.com
Mon Aug 3 17:12:29 BST 2009

On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 9:19 PM, narendra babu <cnarendra_babu at yahoo.com>wrote:

> hi all ,
> I have installed latest virtual box on my Windows Xp machine .
> on top of it i have installed linux ( ubuntu ) inside virtual box as guest
> os , but i need to share my windows folder to work inside  the ubuntu os .
> I tried some methods of net use , vbox , vboxmanage nothing is working .
> COuld any body please help me how i can share my windows ( Host OS )
>  folder in virtual box .

Here are the steps

1) Install vbox guest additions on the guest os
2) share a host machine folder. You can do this by clicking on
Devices->Shared folder from running instance of guest OS window.
3) on guest os type folllowin in the terminal
$> sudo  mount -t vboxsf <share name> <mount point>

 Where <share name> is the name you gave while creating the folder.

You will be able to access the host machine folder based on the permissions
selected during the creation of shared folder.


The hidden harmony is better than the obvious!!
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