[ubuntu-in] ubuntu-in Digest, Vol 38, Issue 5

Ninad Pundalik ninadsp16289 at gmail.com
Sat Apr 4 11:25:23 BST 2009


> AptOnCD is the software to use, but you would have had to create a CD
> beforehand.
> Moz

I agree that this is the *right* way of doing things.  but, if he has
not created a .iso with AptOnCD, he can still get away with it.  Copy
all your files from the backup location to /var/cache/apt/archives/
and update the filelist to the latest one available.  Then, go to
Synaptic and install the metapackage for Ubuntu Studio.  This will
install most of the applications from your downloaded cache, and
download any newer ones from the net, if the .deb has been upgraded.
You will have to do this:

sudo cp /path/to/your/backup/ /var/cache/apt/archives/

And then good old Synaptic to do the rest. :)

Hope this helps.

Ninad S. Pundalik
GPG Key Fingerprint: 2DF7 B856 C75E C9F9 0504 C0EF D456 1946 7C45 2C69

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