[ubuntu-in] ubuntu linux toolbox

Parthan SR parth.technofreak at gmail.com
Thu Sep 25 10:28:08 BST 2008

AlgoMantra wrote:
>     Hence, the same publisher has the right to sell his copyrighted
>     version in India at Landmark for INR 1132:
>     http://books.rediff.com/bookshop/bkproductdisplay.jsp?Ubuntu-Linux-Toolbox:-1000-Commands-For-Ubuntu-And-Debian-Power-Users-&prrfnbr=81129773&pvrfnbr=81324288&multiple=false&frompg=&isbngroup=0470082933
>     <http://books.rediff.com/bookshop/bkproductdisplay.jsp?Ubuntu-Linux-Toolbox:-1000-Commands-For-Ubuntu-And-Debian-Power-Users-&prrfnbr=81129773&pvrfnbr=81324288&multiple=false&frompg=&isbngroup=0470082933>
> Dude, you don't want to read the book, don't read it. Don't teach me 
> what's right
If you want to read the book, you have the freedom to do so and we will 
never interfere in it. But this mailing list is run by the community and 
we very much respect license and copyright as much as we respect 
Freedom. If you want to continue interacting through this mailing list, 
you have to abide by the guidelines and principles that its community 
follows. Else, you have the freedom to leave the list.
> and wrong. I am reading the f-ing book because I need it.

Would be nice if you could mind your language when mailing to a public 
mailing list.

I kindly request you not to send such links to this mailing list in 
future and to follow list guidelines. Else, we have to kindly show you 
the door. Thank you.

With Regards,

Parthan "technofreak"
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