[ubuntu-in] Intrepid Ibex two problems

Jinoy Jose jinoyjose at gmail.com
Fri Oct 31 09:59:11 GMT 2008

I fact, I haven't. I had thought this new version would have fixed all that.
Will do the same tweaks again. Anyone has any other alternative for
listening to Raaga.com using Ubuntu?


On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 3:13 PM, Shashank Bharadwaj <shanka.mns at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hey,
>  On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 1:41 PM, Jinoy Jose <jinoyjose at gmail.com> wrote:
>> 1) When I try to access home folder or any of its subfolders like Video,
>> Pictures or Music, from the 'places' on the panel, it opens Rhythmbox
>> player, showing an import error in its playlist window. But if I try open
>> any other independent folder and access home folder or its subfolders from
>> the side-pane, it works ok. Why so?
> Similar thing happened to me also. I had VLC opening up everytime I clicked
> on those bookmarks from the Places menu.
> To solve it, just right click on that folder (Video) and associate it to
> open with the file manager. Doing so for one of the folders should resolve
> the issue for all. (Atleast in my case it did)
>>  2) I can't play Raaga.com, though I have Realplayer in place. I used to
>> do this with Hardy, as I have done some plugin tweaks, according to
>> suggestions from Ubuntu forums. Now, then the new version is in, my old
>> settings have been lost. How can I fix this?
> Did you try applying the same tweaks in 8.10?
> --
> Regards
> Shashank
> As our circle of knowledge expands, so does the circumference of darkness
> surrounding it - Albert Einstein
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