[ubuntu-in] Intrepid Ibex two problems

Jinoy Jose jinoyjose at gmail.com
Fri Oct 31 08:11:41 GMT 2008

I got my Hardy upgraded to Ibex a day ago, using update manager. It was the
releasing candidate. But there are two bugs, for me at least.

1) When I try to access home folder or any of its subfolders like Video,
Pictures or Music, from the 'places' on the panel, it opens Rhythmbox
player, showing an import error in its playlist window. But if I try open
any other independent folder and access home folder or its subfolders from
the side-pane, it works ok. Why so?

2) I can't play Raaga.com, though I have Realplayer in place. I used to do
this with Hardy, as I have done some plugin tweaks, according to suggestions
from Ubuntu forums. Now, then the new version is in, my old settings have
been lost. How can I fix this?

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