[ubuntu-in] Touchscreen working on HP tx1000 series tablet with Intrepid amd64

Vishal Rao vishalrao at gmail.com
Sat Nov 15 13:26:51 GMT 2008


In short:

Run "sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-input-evtouch" in a terminal
and run the resulting
"Calibrate Touchscreen" applet in the System->Administration menu to
get touchscreen working!

Long story:

Similar to my earlier email "Touchscreen working on HP tx1000 series
tablet with Hardy amd64" at
https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-in/2008-May/003018.html I'm
writing this so
that it becomes findable on the net :-)

This time with Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid amd64 it was much easier/smoother
to get touchscreen working!

After a bit of unneeded web searching and finding a potential driver at
http://home.eeti.com.tw/web20/TouchKitDriver/linuxDriver.htm I found
that just running:

sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-input-evtouch

and lo and behold the touchscreen started working after logout and back in.

But the calibration was a bit off and after some more pointless web
searching saw that
there was a "Calibrate touchscreen" item in the System->Administration menu.

You have to follow the on-screen instructions carefully, first move
the stylus around the screen
so that it goes to all edges and corners (so that the tool can figure
out the X/Y ranges/limits)
then press Enter and be a little patient for the first crosshair to
become red. Then you tap the first
crosshair at the top-left and the next crosshair becomes red which you
have to tap and so on till
you reach the last crosshair at the bottom-right. If you miss one you
can press the right mouse
button to go back. After tapping the last one the tool exits and you
should logout and back
in for the changes to take effect.

All in all, each Ubuntu release (since I started with Feisty 7.04) has
been a steady improvement
for me, luckily havent faced too many of the issues reported on
mailing lists and the forums.
Intrepid is the best so far with wifi, touchscreen, bluetooth, even
the remote control working with
very little effort on my 1-year-old HP Pavilion tx1302au tablet PC.

The only thing remaining is the fingerprint reader which doesn't work
well since the Authentec AES1610
driver isn't in good shape (I think its removed in recent versions) of
the "fprint" project.

I'll try to update my webpage at http://lahsiv.net/linux/tablet.html
soon, blog about it at
http://lahsiv.net/blog/ and also update the Ubuntu wiki entry.

- Vishal

"Thou shalt not follow the null pointer for at its end madness and chaos lie."

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