[ubuntu-in] Proxy settings in ubuntu 8.10

Parthan SR parth.technofreak at gmail.com
Wed Nov 5 11:28:19 GMT 2008

Ankur Lachhiramka wrote:
> Hello,
> I installed ubuntu 8.10 last week n these days many of social sites 
> (viz orkut) is banned in our college. Can someone suggest me any proxy 
> server settings for ubuntu just like we use ultra surf in windows.
> Thanx
Hmmm? You mean you want us to suggest us some software which will help 
you do something which your college prohibits? Why would we do that? Am 
afraid I wouldn't put this list as the right place to ask this question.

Your college prohibits you from using it's resources to view social 
networking sites because it considers it's bandwidth to be precious 
enough not to be used for personal usage (social networking should be 
termed uber personal) and it makes sense.

With Regards,

Parthan "technofreak"
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