[ubuntu-in] Help : Re-partitioning effects on existing install

Onkar Shinde onkarshinde at gmail.com
Wed Jul 30 07:52:11 BST 2008

On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 12:35 AM, Arpan Patelia <arpanfoross at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I've got a 250 GB HDD and I can not write to ext3 partitions inside
> extended partition so I want to delete all logical(ext3)+extended
> partition and recreate it. However I have a concern. My swap partition
> is also a logical partition and after formatting whether I'll be able
> to boot into my regular desktop shell or not? Considering that my
> partition layout will be different after formatting, how the change in
> partition numbering(especially swap partition) will affect my existing
> install? In other words, my existing kubuntu setup is on primary
> partition(sda1) and the swap partition is sda10, now if the swap
> partition becomes sda3 then will I be able to boot normally into my
> existing kubuntu install?
> Please advice. Thank you in advance.

Ubuntu does not use partitions names anymore (from feisty if I
remember correctly). It uses UUID which is unique to every partition.
So unless you are messing up with the partitions used by Ubuntu
itself, these UUID will not change by and other changes to partition

You can check entries in /etc/fstab to verify it has UUID for every
partition. Also you can find UUID for each partition with command 'ls
-l /dev/disk/by-uuid/'

Please note that once you change your windows partitions their UUID
won't be same anymore. So they will not get mounted on Ubuntu. You
have to modify fstab entries appropriately.

More details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingUUID


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