[ubuntu-in] Unable to log in normal Ubuntu account

tabankg khabor08 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 15 15:30:25 BST 2008

Sorry Friends!!! I had inadvertently mentioned *ttyS1* instead of
Screen) in my letter.Please forgive me for this error.
I had created a root account in Ubuntu-8.04(GNU/Linux) shell,by "passwd
root" command in # while logging in as the root account in text format,by
logging in through the "RECOVERY MODE" installed by default ,i.e.the second
line to normal logging of Ubuntu-8.04.

On Mon, Jul 14, 2008 at 9:40 PM, alfred tims <alfred.t1nt1n at gmail.com>

> Hi Kaushik,
> On reading your mail, firstly I would like to ask you as to how you
> have a root account ??? Because by default Ubuntu utilises the same
> principle as Mac OS X,  i.e you use the 'sudo' command for
> administrative purposes(it is a safer way for people not used to using
> unix based os'es). Did you possibly create a root account ?
> Anyway, to rectify -
> The permissions on /dev/null need to be set to 0666, and running a
> "sudo chmod 666 /dev/null" should rectify this problem.
> However, if upon rebooting, the perms on /dev/null return to 0600, then -
> The permissions on /dev/null should be set by udev.
> So check the files in /etc/udev/rules.d, such as
> /etc/udev/rules.d/40-permissions.rules, it should have a line that
> says
> Code:KERNEL=="null", MODE="0666"
> Best regards,
> alfred 't1nt1n' tims
> On 7/13/08, tabankg <khabor08 at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Respected Friends,
> >              I have successfully installed Ubuntu-8.04(Hardy Heron)on my
> > machine,but after using it successfully for some days I am facing a
> problem.
> >   I am unable to log in as normal user account which is "kgnile",but I
> can
> > log in to Ubuntu-8.04 with "root" account in GUI.
> >   When I want to log in as "kgnile" in text mode* ttyS1-to ttyS6*(console
> > mode),it logs in,but after showing a repetitive command
> > "-bash:/dev/null:Permission denied".
> >           Friends please help me out.
> >    Best wishes to all of you.
> >     Thank you.
> >      With regards
> >      -kguha
> >      (KAUSHIK GUHA)
> >       e-mail:khabor08 at gmail.com <e-mail%3Akhabor08 at gmail.com> <
> e-mail%3Akhabor08 at gmail.com <e-mail%253Akhabor08 at gmail.com>>
> >
> > --
> >
> --
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