[ubuntu-in] Ubuntu 8.4.1

Ramnarayan.K ramnarayan.k at gmail.com
Sun Jul 13 10:12:53 BST 2008


On Sat, Jul 12, 2008 at 12:32 PM, Lut4rp <lut4rp at techjugaad.com> wrote:

> > My question is if we were to order ubuntu hardy cd's would they
> > incorporate these bug fixes or would they be the original release.
> >
> > thanks
> > ram
> Nopes, the ShipIt CD is always the original release version. Unless
> they changed their policies recently, (which I don't think they have
> :-) they will ship the original version.
> which is different from what Onkar says:

to quote:
"You will get 8.04.1. But do you really need to order it? Can you not
get it from someone near you?"

so now i am confused ??

the shipit faq does not mention anything about which version is shipped
The release notes say
Version 8.04 (April 2008) The Ubuntu team is pleased to announce Ubuntu 8.04
LTS (Long-Term Support) on desktop and server, continuing Ubuntu's tradition
of integrating the latest and greatest open source technologies into a
high-quality, easy-to-use Linux distribution.

there is no mention of the updated 8.04.1

so any more thoughts

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