[ubuntu-in] Need a /etc/fstab

Jasbir Khehra jasbir.k at gmail.com
Wed Jan 23 13:44:57 GMT 2008

On 1/23/08, Lut4rp <lut4rp at techjugaad.com> wrote:
> Hi everyone
> I installed gutsy on my box, and I dont know what got into me, I
> decided to do it using the text mode CD (alternate). It turns out that
> if we use that it doesnt write the fstab for the NTFS windoze
> partitions. All it does while startup is mount the ext3 partition.

Hi Pratul,
Did you select the NTFS windoze partitions to be mounted during the
partition stage of the Alternate CD installation ?
I extensively use the Alternate CD for installing and prefer it over
the live cd.
Here is a very illustrative tutorial for installing Feisty Fawn using
the Alternate CD with NTFS partitions -->
Hey my reply may not be of any help to you, just wanted to clear
doubts that Alternate CD can infact handle NTFS partitons.


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