[ubuntu-in] [ubuntu indian promoters] Hello all...

Kingsly John member+ubuntu at kingsly.net
Mon Jan 21 05:08:35 GMT 2008

+++ Parthan SR [2008-01-21 09:14:58]:

> [2] It doesn't look like an online discussion on IRC. We mostly prefer
> to drop in, put our thoughts and keep moving, while someone takes the
> responsibility of aggregating and publishing a MoM, places a final draft
> in the wiki which gets fixed after final comments from all the members.

That's a "Moo Point", because you Sir, obviously have no experience being
the division head of a company with 700 employees working under you. 


For the lexically challenged..
     Kingsly At Users Dot SourceForge Dot Net  -- http://kingsly.org/

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