[ubuntu-in] FOSS-Multimedia software

sivaji sivaji_2009 at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 14 16:24:05 GMT 2008

Linux Lingam <linuxlingam at gmail.com> wrote: On Jan 11, 2008 11:05 PM, Prakash Advani 
> sivaji wrote:
> > i am an engg student , we got Graphics and Multimedia paper this sem...
> > We are given some multimedia project like creating small animated
> > movies etc,that has to be completed before this month  we are suppose
> > to use FOSS based software for this .
> >           Is there any FOSS based  multimedia software like Macro
> > Media flash,Photoshop etc ...... which can run on windows because
> > still most of my friends were still hanging with windows xp and vista

> Sivaji,
> Read this article, it has many more alternatives.
> http://cityblogger.com/archives/2008/01/05/top-best-50-ubuntu-open-source-applications-for-design-and-developing
> Regards
> Prakash

i love prakash's new email id. congratulations, prakash! :-)

the url sent by you is nice, but the list there is quite incomplete
and very random in its selection.
sigh! i guess i should compile a list one day.

sivaji, am quite keen to know what you gusy selected, how you
authored, where you published. the tools you use form just 10% of the
whole equation. for instance, just using blender3d, with inkscape,
gimp, and kino, with a few professional audio authoring tools like
ardour would be sufficient.
to quickly get started, just use the distro: ubuntustudio.
i use ubuntustudio for all my professional digital-creative and authoring work.

the real thing: your research, script, art direction, story-telilng,
music, voiceover, cc-license, publishing, distribution, etc. those are
the real things. what are you guys doing on that?

Prakash Advani Thank you very much for your link......

niyam bhushan the software which we are going to use for our 
multimedia project is not decided  yet ,we are in pongal holidays
,i should discuss with my team members i will tell you as soon
as we select our software 

Thanks a lot 

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