[ubuntu-in] Stall at GNUnify

Baishampayan Ghose b.ghose at ubuntu.com
Thu Feb 7 07:37:39 GMT 2008

> Which is too short notice activity .
> So we got 1  room for various Projects.
> Like Ubuntu and KDE .
> Something like FOSS.in project stall  or FossConf Demo stall .
> But we hardly have any time to contact other Project / Community
> representative to be there .
> We have few volunteers who will show demo on that stall .
> They will also give information about respective community .
> If some one is willing to volunteer please contact me .
> We have 2 days . (Friday and Saturday )

I can't come. If anybody from Mumbai is going then I can hand over
some Ubuntu Laptop stickers to him/her.

Call me up if you want to set up a meeting. +91.9833740782


Baishampayan Ghose
b.ghose at ubuntu.com

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