[ubuntu-in] Sharing Ubuntu 8.04

Prakash Advani prakash at canonical.com
Thu Apr 10 18:48:22 BST 2008

Mehul Ved wrote:
> On Thu Apr 10, 2008 at 05:00:59PM +0530, shirish wrote:
>> Additions, suggestions to the same are appreciated. :)
> Sharing the downloaded media among as many people as possible :-)
Excellent suggestion :) Open source is all about Sharing! I am willing 
to share what I have with me.

I am sure many of us will be downloading 8.04 once it is released, we 
should plan a way to share them. I am sharing whats available with me 
and where I am located.

I have Ubuntu 8.04 beta, Ubuntu  7.10 32/64Bit , Kubuntu 7.10,  Ubuntu 
Server 7.10 32/64 Bit, Ubuntu Studio 7.10, Ubuntu JEOS 7.10, Edubuntu 7.10.

I am located at Kandivali, Mumbai.


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