[ubuntu-in] mGinger !!

Jayanth S jayanth at amonks.in
Thu Apr 3 20:01:44 BST 2008

I'm posting this reply from my mobile, so i have to top post.. My
apologies for that.. I guess this entire invite your contacts thing
has become inevitable.. I dont know about the others, but in many
mailing lists, this is now too common.. I've gotten used to this and i
let it go.. Even worse i get invites to services i've already
subscribed to or have signed up to.. My earlier suggestion was to
block emails at the list level itself.. You only learn by experience..
So why not start adding these services to blocking list? I know for a
fact that PHP mail does what most of these services do.. Sending
emails using the user's email id.. From the headers you can know
weather it was sent from an ISP or not.. Why not try stopping this?
Anyone in to build this hack? Else the only solution is to let it go
by ignoring these emails.. Most of them are unintentional spam! Or is
there a mechanism to block and moderate certain keywords? That would
also make a simple filter.. Meaning, block emails which contain
"invite","twitter", "minglebox" and more..

On 4/3/08, Onkar Shinde <onkarshinde at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 3, 2008 at 12:15 PM, Parthan SR <parth.technofreak at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > sanjeevdivekar at gmail.com wrote:
> >  [ stripped ]
> >
> >  Sending such invitations of mailing list is considered a bad etiquette
> >  and is against the mailing list guidelines. As this issue has occurred
> >  in the past, the OP should have been aware of the issue and should have
> >  taken proper care not to let this happen. The OP is being put on
> >  moderation, if failing to make an apology to the list in a day he will
> >  eventually be removed from the list.
> Parthan,
> Many a time such mails are sent by some worm or social networking
> based spammers/systems and user is not even aware of it. Let's not
> make a big issue out of it, IMHO.
> How about we put all HTML mail under moderation. I suppose that there
> is such an option.
> Onkar
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