[ubuntu-in] How to type in hindi / any other added on language ??

ramnarayan.k at gmail.com ramnarayan.k at gmail.com
Sun Sep 9 05:12:46 BST 2007


This is regarding how to type hindi (in my case) or any other indic

I had posted a few years earlier to another linux list and instead of
getting help had to address other issues that came up ;) which frankly
put me off posting again. But deciding to eat some pie :) am posting
again because i think the ubuntu india list is less prone to flame works

So after installing the necessary language packs and all the related
material how do we actually use the facility.

One is to log on using the language of choice (in my case hindi)
but when i open say a writer document how do i type in hindi. ??

Also is there a way i can type hindi while logged onto an english
language login - through keyboard selector.

Right now i use kruti dev fonts (hindi fonts) for my document work -
which are fairly simple. And have nothing to do with any system. Hindi
letters are mapped!! to a qwerty keyboard

So while checking what Ubuntu installed i found the following devnagari

So my question is really simple- how do i begin to type / use hindi -
what is the keyboard mapping (meaning which keys give me which hindi

Also what packages should i have installed to make sure the hindi (or
other indic languages) work well.

Finally - am i right in thinking that once this system of using
languages works well i should be able to write in hindi (or other indic
languages) in any software (thunderbird , etc etc)


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