[ubuntu-in] [Ubuntu Bangalore Team] The Bangalore team is up and rocking..!

shashi hv shashi.hv at gmail.com
Fri Oct 26 19:15:14 BST 2007

     Thats why he is trying to reach locally!!! The point he is trying
to make really good. Locally he can penetrate to more people and
obviously everybody will come to know about the indian community and
will get invloved. Since we got tonnes of to do, you need more people,
what bhavani did is the right thing in that directions.
  Advantage is no body will stop just looking at the local community,
they will get aware of the much bigger community, and definately they
want to join it for sure.


On 10/26/07, Ramnarayan. K <ramnarayan.k at gmail.com> wrote:
> HI
> Well GNU /Linux is full of forks and the diversity has done a very good job
> of making gnu/linux better than it would have had it been a single OS.
> So sure i think its a good idea to fork and have a bangaloru forum if its
> viable. Since you say Kannada is your focus so why not make it a karnataka
> forum.
> Am not clear about a few things though - is your focus Kannada localisation
> on Ubuntu only or would it be kannada localisation for Linux in general. If
> its the former then your view is pretty narrow. If its the latter then maybe
> its better you put your energies in getting recruits to your forum from the
> many Bangaluru LUGS who no doubt will have a larger kannadiga presence.
> Either ways if you are asking for kannadiga;s and /or those interested in
> only kannada localization to be members (as can be impied from your and Mr
> 74 year old' mails) then maybe the spirit of Ubuntu is already lost.
> There are tonnes of people - some on this list ((Gora is one of them  i know
> for sure) and some others who have been working on localization without
> concern for a particular language. I wonder what would happen if these folks
> decided it was worth working on just their langauge - and what happens if
> the same attitude permeates to open source in general - quite simply the
> entire movement would just die. GNU/LInux works on collaborations and
> allowing space , among others.
> So you have the space to go ahead with your kannada localization but the
> collaborations don't seem to be happening. In this entire thread just one
> +ive response.
> What  most folks are saying is "hey friend - our ubuntu india community is
> already small and we have tonnes of stuff to do and its possible to do it
> only if we work together so why not join into whats happening instead of
> blazing a new trail & if you want to be a leader , please be,  we will
> follow but show us your work inputs  and your credentials."
> At the end of the day even if you do  / or don't get the support from this
> list you are free to fork. Both you and the list will be sadder for it.
> ram
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